by Kevin and Emily Ratliff | Apr 6, 2014 | Sponsorships
It is our pleasure to announce the latest partnership between Claire’s Army and Blue Dot Readi-Mix. Owners Paul Cochrane, Scott Griffin and Tony Griffin have been long time friends of the Ratliff family and supporters since the organization started in 2013. Paul,...
by Kevin and Emily Ratliff | Jan 27, 2014 | Sponsorships
In a recent meeting to discuss Claire’s Army and its need for support, Scott Pridemore, President and Broker in Charge of Pridemore Properties of Charlotte, said to Emily and Kevin Ratliff , “Guys, I’m in. Just tell me how I can sign up.” What is startling about this...
by Kevin and Emily Ratliff | Oct 26, 2013 | Our Mission
THE ARMY WILL NEVER STOP. Hello Army. We are so honored today to have the privilege of announcing the next story in the Claire’s Army journey. In January of this year, Emily and I decided this would be our year of healing. While the sting of loss still resonates daily...
by Kevin and Emily Ratliff | Aug 30, 2013 | Claire's Story
Claire, It was a Sunday afternoon 2009 a muggy cloudless August day. Church bells from the Baptist Church across the street rang loud in our window as we welcomed you. I was so excited and terrified all at the same time. I could hardly believe I was really your Daddy....